Weekly Picks

May 24, 2011 § Leave a comment

It’s not even Tuesday and yet here are last week’s picks.

The week started great. neverendingbooks uncovered a surprise in the history of the “primes = knots” idea and The Renaissance Mathematicus explained the misunderstanding regarding the witch of Agnesi (a must!) — all the while O.R. on the beach didn’t hire security.

Tuesday, Tanya Khovanova explained the hidden agenda behing the entry exam at Moscow University in the 70s and Gyre&Gimble wrote about three representations of mathematical objects.

This week’s Wednesday and Thursday went exclusively to Spain when Tito Eliatron Dixit went for a stroll through a science fair in Sevilla (translation) while Gaussianos had Peralta-Salas and Enciso explain their recent results in fluid dynamics (translation).

Nearing the weekend, blogging spiked on Friday. Nuit Blanche continued “Great Thoughts Fridays” with thoughts on earthquakes, Concrete Nonsense had a post on Origami (but lots of additional material) , dataisnature devoted a post to the work of Tom Beddard , Punk Rock OR said goodbye to a fascinating blogging project and last but not least Matlog wrote about Jordan curves (translation).  Whew, busy day!

Thankfully, Saturday and Sunday were less hectic when Rudi Matematici celebrated Albrecht Dürer’s birthday (translation) and Travels in Mathematics showed off some awesome mathematical toys.


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