The Weekly Picks are dead, long live the Weekly Picks

March 21, 2012 § 5 Comments

The following promise heads each of our Weekly Picks:

We try to read every blog post that goes through For the Weekly Picks, we collect posts from last week that give you an impression of what the mathematical blogosphere has to offer.

Now that we’re aggregating over 600 feeds, we realize that we will soon be unable to fulfill this promise.  Therefore, we’ve decided to change the Weekly Picks to compensate.

Pathfinder for a complex community

The goal of the Weekly Picks has always been to show off the wealth of the mathematical blogosphere and to offer an accessible  introduction to the various types of mathematical blogs out there.  The key ingredient of the Picks are the great individual pieces we find. But we also include pieces from blogs we just added to the database as well as pieces that maybe aren’t that spectacular, but genuinely different — pieces that experiment with the medium.

In short, we tried to make the Weekly Picks about the community as a whole.

The queen is dead, long live the queen!

With the growth of our database, it’s becoming harder and harder to cover the entire community. There’s just too much great stuff out there every week!

Since we want to keep the original focus of the Weekly Picks — presenting the mathematical blogosphere on all levels — we have to change.

For the next few weeks, we will focus the Weekly Picks on a different category each week.  This will give us the room to present the full spectrum of the community. We realize this means we might be missing some great posts that just happen to appear on a week where we do not cover that category.  But we hope it’s a good way to keep the original spirit of the Weekly Picks alive and kicking.

And, of course, we hope you’ll keep enjoying them!

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