Weekly update

February 6, 2011 § Leave a comment

Welcome to this week’s update!

Upcoming Face lift

We’re planning a bit of a face lift for mathblogging.org. It’ not too different from what you see now, but we thought we should leave the old icons behind. The ones currently in use are public domain coming from the US National Park Service via the open clipart library. They were always meant to be a temporary solution and sometimes didn’t make sense (the gas station sign in particular…).

Last week, Felix found the time to design some spanking new icons! We had done a brainstorming some time ago, but as usual Felix rocked with his amazing inkscape skills.  Expect to see the full set of new icons on the site soon! (and don’t worry — we’ll be sure to mention the face lift when it’s online).

Upgrades, upgrades, upgrades…

We are also working on a couple of improvements. Nothing major, mostly a search functionality using Google’s customized search. Unfortunately, this comes with advertising (unless you pay or are a registered non-profit) and we’re not yet sure how we want to integrate that (or if at all really since we’d like to keep the site ad free). There’ll also be some slight updates to increase usability. In particular, the overview over all blogs (the “by category” view) has become more and more cluttered. We’re still brainstorming on what major overhaul would help most, but some slight changes will be coming with the face lift to improve usability a little.

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